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Thursday, August 18, 2011

How do you sign an Ebook?

Three of my works have made it through the Smashwords process and now are available for Nook users on Barnes and Noble site. So....I created three separate promo cards for each work using the cover design and adding "Kansas City Author" and "Available on Nook." I took the cards today into our Plaza branch of Barnes and Noble and chatted up the young man at the Nook booth as soon as you enter the store. He was interested and used the display Nook to verify, indeed, that one of the works was now available for download (Crazy About You) and left that as the image on the display Nook instead of Vonnegut (wouldn't he have loved all of this!). I suggested it would be helpful for all involved if when a customer came in and saw the booth offering the Nook they also saw a display case which held cards such as I had in hand promoting local Ebook authors. "We do author signings..." How do you sign an Ebook? "Hmmm....I'll show these to my manager."

Fellow Ebook authors: create thy thee own promo cards and get theeselves to thy Barnes and Noble Nook booth!

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