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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Have Story, Need Letterpress Printer, Typographer, Designer, Artist, Paper Maker, Book Binder

Blogs also seem a perfect place to dream in public and perhaps find like-minded dreamers. My dream is to hook up with a printer who has a letter press and a designer who loves typogaphy and an artist who likes to do etchings, a paper maker and a book binder. A collaborative project that would be ideal for Kickstart funding.

The Saltness of Time would be a perfect novella for a limited edition, hand-printed book on fine paper and wonderfully bound. It is a perfect story for an artist to illustrate with etchings.

Check this one scene:

It was a house made for another era, another place, a set of dreams beyond my understanding. In the failing light and in the shadows of the trees, the air around the white, three-story mansion had a bluish tinge, the color of my own cold lips. The house needed painting. And what a job that would be! Wide eaves above the attic windows that were above that third floor. Fancy cut posts, gables and columns. The entire front porch of the house was screened in. It had the look of a plantation mansion and I wondered if the porch might not contain a misplaced southern gentleman in a white suit and Panama hat, frozen in mid-stride while smoking his after-dinner cigar.

So if any of the above talents happen upon this page, do get in touch.

1 comment:

  1. I am a letterpress printer with a full service shop and over 30 years experience printing books. I'm also an artist working in etching and woodcut. I'd be interested in this project if we could get some funding which I think we could. Do you have permission to print the text? My web sight is:
    I just produced an illustration for a novella by John Connolly an Irish mystery writer. His web is
    Let's talk and see if this is a possibility. Thanks
    David C. Wolfe
