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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Browse My Bookstore

My fiction touches many genres and I've struggled with coming up with a single "brand" for them. Reviewer stepped right up and wrote this:

Each book by Attwood has shared one common thread--his gift
 for creating a cast of diverse and interesting characters, and then weaving their lives together in a plausible, realistic series of events toward the most unpredictable and so often amazing outcomes.

Hope you'll visit my Amazon Author Page!

(Thanks to Roy Inman for this photograph)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Give a Gift for the Reader on Your List

If you've read one (or more) of my books that you liked, then there's a good chance you know a friend or family member who would also like it. Holiday gift item? Easy to send via Amazon as a gift. Here are the ten paperbacks I have out there through Amazon. Click that "Give as a Gift" button.

One More Victim (collection of short literary works)

Very Quirky Tales (Sci-fi type)