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Monday, February 4, 2013

Blow Up the Roses Gets Noticed by the KC Star

Nice to wake up yesterday morning, go out, get my Sunday Kansas City Star, and see that my dark/suspense novel Blow Up the Roses got some notice in Brian Burnes "Readorama" column on the books page of the FYI section. Second item with subtitle "Suburban crime" Blow Up the Roses was languishing in the rankings in the 800,000 level, by end of day it had risen to the 80,000 level. Not that I understand those Amazon rankings things. If you are curious about Blow Up the Roses, see the previous post for how this very dark thriller had it's start. I've done some fun book trailers for it, too: this is the best one, or click below the scan of the Star item.


  1. Nice! I wrote to Mr. Burnes and told him he should do a whole feature on you and all your books. :-)


  2. Thank you, Katy! Would that he would be inundated by such requests.
